
Maple syrup substitute for vanilla extract
Maple syrup substitute for vanilla extract

maple syrup substitute for vanilla extract

It will definitely add a good flavor to your dessert. Almond extractĪlmond extract can successfully replace maple syrup in all types of recipes. When it comes to the ratio, you will want to add the coffee creamer in a larger amount than you would add maple extract.Ī double quantity of this substitute should give you the results you want. It is easy to find in stores, especially during the fall and winter months and you will find it very useful in a variety of ways in your kitchen. Maple coffee creamer goes great in your liquid sweets such as toppings, drinks, or coffees but you can also use it in baked goods. The maple coffee creamer substitute for maple extract will be a surprise for most but it can be a great alternative if you use it correctly. Use your personal preferences when you replace maple extract with molasses. It is very important to consider that molasses has a strong taste so if you don’t enjoy this flavor so much you can always add less of it to your dessert. It is thicker in consistency compared to maple syrup and you can use it in the same ratio with maple extract. This substitute might taste a bit too bitter and strong raw but once you added to baked cookies or cakes you will see that is very similar to maple extract.

maple syrup substitute for vanilla extract

Molasses is also a more budget-friendly alternative to maple extract. Even if you won’t get a taste that is as sweet, you don’t want to apply too much fat to your dish either so maintaining an even ratio is the best choice in most recipes. Once you melt the maple butter, use it in the same quantity as you would use extract. However, it will definitely give you the maple taste that you love. The flavor you will get by using maple butter will be less potent. Maple butter has a similar flavor to maple extract but it is richer in fats so it will go best in cookie dough. Maple butter could replace your maple extract in certain recipes such as fried sweets or baked ones as long as you melt the butter prior to using it. This is a good maple extract substitute for baked cookies or cakes but also for pancake toppings. The type of flavor you will get is going to be specific to the type of maple candy you use. You will have to taste your melted maple candy to be sure the flavor is similar. The way to use maple candy would be by melting it and replacing your maple extract by using it in just the way your recipe calls for it. Find a candy that has a high concentration of maple that comes from maple extract or maple syrup and use it instead of your maple extract. However, you might be amazed by the final results. This is rather controversial in terms of finding maple extract substitutes. Maple candy is also a good substitute for maple extract as long as you use it correctly. You can use maple syrup instead of maple extract in this ratio for baked desserts and toppings.


You can replace maple extract with maple syrup by doubling the quantity, so if your recipe calls for half a cup of maple extract, you want to use a full cup of maple syrup instead. It is very important to purchase natural maple syrup with no added sugar or chemicals if you want the taste to be as close to maple extract as possible. The flavor of maple syrup is not as intense as the flavor of maple extract but it is one of the best choices you have. This alternative is actually easier to find than maple extract and it tends to come at an even more affordable cost.

maple syrup substitute for vanilla extract

One of the first substitutes that will come to mind if you need to replace maple extract is maple syrup. Find the best maple syrup replacement from the list below that will give you a delicious dessert! 1. Best Maple Extract SubstitutesĮven if you can substitute maple extract with a variety of ingredients, there are certain differences that you should keep in mind. Let’s scroll down and learn more about each substitute. So, we put together a complex guide with maple extract substitutes that will save the day when you are making a delicious dessert. However, not having maple extract shouldn’t stop you from making your favorite sweeter treats. But you can also find it in different toppings and different sweet syrups. Maple extract is found mostly in cookies and cakes.

Maple syrup substitute for vanilla extract